lundi 20 mars 2017

Participation challenge - More than words

Bon lundi matin, 

Je vous présente ma page pour le défi de mars More Than Words  
C'est ma première fois et c'était très inspirant. Je me suis inspirée du mot Beautiful pour rendre hommage à ma merveilleuse infirmière qui a été une perle lors de mon accouchement et surtout, beautiful, pour la naissance de mon petit homme, Arthur.

I present my page for the March challenge More Than Words

This is my first time and it was very inspiring. I was inspired by the word Beautiful to pay tribute to my wonderful nurse who was a pearl during my chilbird and especially beautiful for the birth of my little man, Arthur.


Bonne journée !
Eli xx

6 commentaires:

  1. Oh wow! I adore this! What a truly special photo. I'm so glad you could join us at More Than Words for the first time.

  2. Yes I agree with Heather, a truly wonderful photo. Thanks so much for sharing it with us & playing along at More Than Words challenge.

  3. Ta page est vraiment magnifique et c'est un si beau moment tu as raison! Merci d'avoir participé au défi de More than words ce mois-ci et j'espère que tu reviendras!

  4. ahhh je l'aime tellement ta page, si significative et un si beau souvenir!!! merci pour ta participation à More Than Words André! ;) :P

  5. How wonderful is this? I love that you paid tribute to someone who helped you! As a former nurse I can tell you it is greatly appreciated when you get a thank-you! Wonderful page! All the best from MTW! :)

  6. Very beautiful keepsake and homage to a special lady and moment. Wonderful page! Thank you for playing along with us at More Than Words!
